Frequently Asked Lip & Tongue-Tie Questions – Cleveland, OH

We’re Here to Help

As you contemplate the idea of a frenectomy, you likely have many questions. Whether you are a parent of a child with a lip or tongue-tie or you are someone who is struggling with daily activities as an adult, we’re here to offer clarity, honesty, and transparency when answering your questions. Review them below and let us know if you do not see yours listed.

Should I wait to treat my child’s tongue-tie until they are older?

The truth is that the younger they are, the easier it is to correct. It also ensures that they do not continue to struggle to eat, breathe, or sleep. By addressing the problem early on, they can grow to develop stronger lip and tongue muscles, allowing for greater oral function later in life.

Why is laser treatment preferred over traditional methods?

Using a dental laser to treat a lip or tongue-tie allows for a less invasive process. Instead of using regular scalpels and sutures that often cause much bleeding and swelling, a soft tissue laser cauterizes while it cuts. This reduces the chances of serious bleeding while also minimizing swelling. It also helps to sterilize the area so that the potential for infection is slim.

Will post-surgery stretches hurt?

Initially, performing stretches on your child’s lip or tongue may cause some discomfort. But it is essential that you perform these stretches to prevent the tissue from reattaching. If performed on your baby, you can begin to nurse immediately following these stretches, as this will provide some comfort.

Is Orofacial Myology Therapy necessary?

Myofunctional therapy is recommended for optimal results from a release. Especially in adults who have lived their life compensating for having a tie, myofunctional therapy will be very important in order to re-train orofacial muscles of their proper form and function. The goals of myofunctional therapy is to have you breathing through the nose at all times, have proper lip seal, proper tongue posture positioned on the palate, and correct swallow pattern. You can also speak to Dr. Csok to find out if you or your child might benefit from this type of treatment.

Do I have to undergo treatment on the same day as my consultation?

No, we will never make you undergo treatment on the same day if you do not want to. Although it is possible, and we can complete the process quickly, we want you to be absolutely sure about your decision. If you would rather wait a few days before moving forward with the process, a member of our team will be happy to identify a time that works best for you to come back in.